Monday, June 16, 2008

Why are people voting for this guy?

Well, it looks like it's a done deal. We officially have a muslim running for president, and Americans want him in there. Unbelievable. Yeah, I hear you all saying "he's not a muslim". The hell he isn't. Islamic law says if your father is a muslim, you are a muslim. It's like being in a gang folks, you don't just decide one day that you're not going to be one anymore. If you do, you become a bigger infidel than us Christians. Strangely enough, he has the support of muslims worldwide. Not so strange if he is truly a muslim himself. Lets just invite osama bin laden over for dinner. Have him bring imanutjob from iran. May as well......if this jr. senator, that was a big nobody 2 years ago, that has no record other than being the most liberal in the senate is elected, the terrorists will be coming in here by the plane loads. How can a loyal American even think about voting for this guy? He won't wear a flag pin and when our National Anthem is played he looks the other way, staring off into space. Probably toward the east longing for allah. When you go into the voting booth in November, keep the words Commander and Chief in your mind. Is Barack HUSSEIN Obama (that rhymes with osama) the person that best fits that title. I think not. I am starting my survival kit now so that I can survive for awhile when all the dirty bombs start to fly. You should too. We also don't need that racist wife of his in our White House either. Can you imagine the backyard picnics? Old uncle jeremiah wright, tony rezko...the middle eastern business man under indictment in Chicago, louis farakahn....the leader of the nation of islam, william ayres....the proud terrorist who bombed the pentagon, the capital and the NYC police headquarters, and wishes he did more and father pfleger....the white racist. The thought of that makes me sick. Better wake up people, before it's too late. Don't be like the lambs led to slaughter.

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